Chords and Chord Patterns (Y10)

The next post submission for year 10 is about Chords and Chord Patterns. This is a vital part of music so dig deep, do the exercises and listen to the examples.

Your post should include multimedia with evidence that you have understood and applied the following vocabulary:

  1. Chord – Triad
  2. Root – 3rd – 5th
  3. Tonic, dominant and subdominant.
  4. Doubling
  5. Chord symbols
  6. Dominant 7th
  7. 12 bar blues pattern/progression.
  8. Chorus
  9. Tonic Seventh
  10. Muted Brass
  11. Harmonic Rhythm
  12. Blues Notes
  13. Orchestration
  14. New harmonies in a chord pattern
  15. Cadences (all of them)
  16. Spacing.

Listen and/or watch the following playlist and use it as your evidence.

**********Submission date: March 24 BEFORE class*************

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